sources: Pixabay
– USANA is deeply committed to advancing the ESG goals set forth by our board of directors. The board’s formation of a Sustainability Committee and their emphasis on ESG aligns perfectly with USANA’s core values. Our present and future goals incorporate sustainability-related best practices across all of our markets as we strive to improve communities around the world – said Josh Foukas, USANA chief legal officer.
People: USANA employees donated 1,687 volunteer hours, or 70 days’ worth of time, in 2021. The company held its first Diversity & Inclusion Volunteer Week in November, which encourages employees to give back to the community and to people from marginalized backgrounds. USANA hosted its fifth World Service Week, during which the company is “hyper-focused on making the world better, together.”
Planet: USANA planted more than 10,000 Garden Towers, which are standing gardens planted in open mesh bags. These towers are more sustainable food sources, as they require less land and use 30% less water than the traditional garden. The towers are now implemented in Kenya, Mexico and Utah, and each tower will provide up to eight meals a week for years to come. USANA joined Utah’s Sustainable Business Coalition and pledged to reduce its plastic waste. The company engaged in a product bottle refresh, using less plastic and encouraging postconsumer recycling. Shipping fill was switched to eco-friendly recyclables and reusable will call bags were introduced.
Products: A digital, interactive Holiday Gift Guide replaced the traditional printed version. This saved an estimated 400,000+ pages of paper and prevented a shipping carbon footprint of boxes of catalogs being sent to 14 countries.
– 2021 was a big year for USANA. We really began to see the fruits of our labor in our environmental, sustainability, and governance (ESG) efforts. USANA’s vision is to create The Healthiest Family on Earth, and to do that, we needed to be more focused on improving the lives of our USANA family and our communities – as well as bolstering our efforts to make USANA a more sustainable company for its future and the future of our planet – comments Paul Jones, USANA chief people officer.