source: Pixabay
I’m reading further: “The situation related to the development of Coronavirus pandemic is very dynamic. Every day we find out the next countries implement new restrictions, including a total lockdown. In what way the situation that has lasted since the beginning of the year has influenced the job market for the Polish in Poland and abroad? These are two separate matters. The situation in Poland is directly influenced by the financial condition of enterprises that can’t afford to retain their current employees, let alone to recruit the new ones. Working abroad in richer countries, on the other hand, is fraught with complications caused by restrictions related to pandemic. Thus, many people have ended up in a particularly difficult situation. In Poland they’ve become victims of growing unemployment. Under normal circumstances, moving abroad could save them, however, due to restrictions this is more difficult. Not without significance is the tax issue, as from the new year some very unfavourable tax regulations will apply to people working abroad”. I’m putting away the newspaper. I’m finishing my coffee. And I’m thinking… How fortunate I am that someone, somewhere has shown me… the best alternative way of earning money.
What is the reason why I love network marketing? What is the reason why I love online business? It’s my time that I am in charge of, not a damn virus. It’s my time that I manage myself, instead of being managed by any employer. Because time is the most precious thing you’ve got, and, if you understand it, then you’ll do anything to have it for yourself and for your loved ones.
And that’s not all. I love this system for the people who make me smile every day. Obviously… different strokes for different folks. However, network marketing attracts people who are positive, focused on development and success. And I want to develop, and I desire success. This environment drives me to perform and to be active. This is the reason why I like being around this type of people. Meetings and conversations with them are for me like celebrations and the time to look forward to. After having it I don’t feel like coming back.
And there’s money. Everyone needs to earn money somewhere. I earn money wherever I am. Money is important, for that’s the way the world works. Initially, it drives us to perform as it can change our lives. But then it’s just an addition to what network marketing can give. Can you find it anywhere else???
You will not find it while working for someone, and this is the reason why I quit my job a couple of years ago. It was a difficult experience as I was afraid. While still working back in UK I was afraid that I won’t get my wages on Friday. This is an odd feeling. Really! And yet, I ventured to quit my job and I don’t regret it. Because it paid off like hell. It was simply worth it.
No excuses, no pressure. I was just in a place where I felt uncomfortable and I was sick of it. So little and so much. You can also get to the place of your dreams, however, you need to make a decision and act on it. It’s worth it.
For what I do, and what you do, should make us happy, satisfied, and make us go forward, not backwards. Now I’m in a place where I have it all, and I’ve never experienced it anywhere else. I recommend that everyone experience it. As it’s worth it. For you can feel that you’re alive. I could do it, so you can do this too!
I know, MLM is for all, however, it’s not for everyone. It is simple, but it’s not easy. And if you understand it and engage in it, great things happen. Therefore, I wish everyone could experience those great things and the excitement. You just need to have a vision of what you want to accomplish, how you want to accomplish it, and how you would feel once you’ve done it. This will make you unstoppable. Hugs, Tomek.