Mary Kay, Inc., in a partnership with the European Society for Dermatological Research, awarded two $20,000 grants to researchers conducting groundbreaking, innovative studies in skin health and skin disease.
Mary Kay
Mary Kay Inc., in celebration of International Day of Forests, announced its recent certification from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), a global nonprofit that promotes responsible forest management, for its Mary Kay Print and Digital Imaging Centers at its global corporate headquarters.
Mary Kay announced the appointment of Sheryl Adkins-Green as chief experience officer. In this new role, Adkins-Green will support the success of Mary Kay’s independent beauty consultants’ businesses through a 360-degree integrated customer experience.
Mary Kay Inc. hosted 25 young women from Young Women’s Preparatory Network (YWPN), a nonprofit that operates all-girl, public, college preparatory schools within Texas public school districts.
Mary Kay Inc. presented new findings on the benefits of a botanical leaf extract at the American Society of Nutrition’s Annual Conference. The company’s research found that, when included in nutritional drinks containing protein, fat and fiber, the benefits of a botanical leaf extract could have a “significant impact on our understanding of botanical leaf extract rich in polysaccharides, flavonoids, alkaloids, and 1-deoxynojirimycin and other active components to lower glucose response and satiety in consumers”.
Mary Kay released a report detailing progress on “Enriching Lives Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow” (ELTFAST), the company’s global sustainability program.
Mary Kay’s philanthropic arm The Mary Kay Ash Foundation announced the donation of 50 grants of $20,000 each to domestic violence shelters across the country. This $1 million donation is expected to serve and support nearly 150,000 women through the shelters in 2023 by providing emergency and transitional housing, counseling and legal aid.
Mary Kay Inc. marks Women’s Entrepreneurship Day by reaffirming its global commitment to women entrepreneurs through external efforts and partnerships focused on elevating and advancing women entrepreneurship.
This is an amazing business and family story. Already the third generation is in command of this network marketing concern. Ryan Rogers to become the new CEO of Mary Kay Inc. following the retirement of David Holl.
In 2017, Mary Kay launched a joint project with UNDP China, the China Women’s Development Foundation, the China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges, the Women’s Federation of Yunnan Province and Yongren County Government called “SDG Pilot Village Project: Women-focused Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development.”