Katarzyna Trawińska
This charity event was initiated by the editors of Businesswoman&life magazine. The book features interesting and inspiring conversations with personalities from the world of business and art who share their success stories, their motivations and passions with the readers. Katarzyna Trawińska talks about, among other things, why the Prouvé brand is so closely linked to the beautiful fragrances, the opportunities offered by the MLM industry and what is the greatest capital and support at the start of a self-standing business career.
The income from the sale of books and from the auction of products and services donated by companies taking part in this action will be donated to the Rak’n’Roll (Cancer and Roll – Win Life) Foundation. The foundation has been operating since 2009 and is involved in breaking taboos related to the approach to cancer in Poland and supporting women struggling with the disease. Thanks to its projects, many of them began to fight for their femininity in the disease and to live with joy.
This is another social action in which Katarzyna Trawińska and her brand are involved. The creator of Prouvé has been supporting activities related to the prevention of women’s health and their entrepreneurship for years. She is an Ambassador of the nationwide social campaign “Beautiful because healthy”, which aims to increase women’s awareness of preventive gynaecological examinations and preventing cervical cancer, as well as an Ambassador of Women’s Entrepreneurship.
The charity book can be purchased here: Allegro.pl